Simply Connect

The Leading Mobile Data Monetisation Solution

Mobile Data Monetisation SaaS for Forward Looking telcos

Benefits to Telecom Operators

Grow Revenues

Incremental revenue from every user: higher ARPU
Targeted, segmented offers that grow ARPU
Omni-channel app that actively sells and markets

Grow Margins

Drop price points with short time chunks: higher AMPU
Proven off-peak pricing with abnormal margins
Effortless AI solution to minimise operating costs and maximise use of owned media

Minimise Churn

End-user engagement and delight
Stickyness from daily use
Loyalty rewards - also cross-services
Explore the use cases that help you to grow top and bottom line simultaneously
Use Cases

Great Quotes from the Past

Cases & Quotes

“This is the way mobile data should have been sold from the beginning”.
- An operator CMO from APAC
“I would say that, it is a service that all the world is waiting for and finally it arrives.”
- An end user, Consumer Clinic, Mexico
“This is every marketeer’s dream”
- Operator sales head
“I purchase more often with this”
- An end user, consumer clinic, South East Asia
“Oh my…. This is going to change everything”
- Operator CMO
“It's good, it's convenient. It takes less than 2 seconds to buy internet.”
- End user, consumer clinic, APAC

Learn More? 

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