Simply Monetise

20 use cases to monetise mobile data

Use cases to monetise like never before, to grow virally, to never miss a moment to sell, and to create bold branding.

monetise like never before

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Real time offer generation

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Location based offers

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Loyalty rewards

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Quick Offers

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Happy hours

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Data deals

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Sponsored data

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Traffic shaping

A truly versatile sales and marketing solution, for telcos to get-keep-monetise users.  All with the operator brand in the centre of attention. To deliver brand value - and profits.

Create real time offers, to reach users palms the moment you publish, or the moment you want. Use advanced sales and marketing capabilities in a multitude of ways: Reach out to deal hunters with a dedicated data deals proposition? Make users delighted with continuously updated quick offers, straight from the device home screen?

Reward your most loyal customers , or create a dedicated loyalty program? Want to get your brand partners and advertisers to reach your users through native ads - sponsored data - and at same time get your users to get free data?

Need to target offers and promotions at different places, and need to add location based offers to the mix? Focus on making most out of the happy hours to get pure profit from off peak hours, and to get most frugal users to use data and grow ARPU?

Or does the network capacity require moving traffic from peak to off-peak hours, to get more profits without additional network investment - and you would want to use traffic shaping? Naturally real time analytics guarantees you can prove what works and what not - and scale the efforts based on measured performance

Grow virally with groups

The second set of use cases help to target groups and use groups to extend reach - with a viral effect. Use gifting to drive subscriber engagement and new user acquisition - including special gift chunks designed for virality and for new subscriber acquisition.

Why not extend use of data sharing to complement top-up distribution methods, and create a digital data distribution channel? Other use cases using gifting and sharing data can help specific subscription types and groups - like families where parents can allocate internet time to kids, or SoHo where employers allocate time to connect for work hours.

New subscriber acquisition
Digital data distribution channel

All using the operator SIM, and making users have full share of wallet on the operator. Naturally, the solution can extend to the SME segment. In essence, reach masses easily, and make them stick to you.

Never miss
moment to sell

Speed Booster

Some of your subscribers may be predominantly on volume or limited speed plans. For those users you can offer speed booster, to move them to 5G when they so themselves deem right.

For users on limited quota plans, offer them the simplest way to add on data - and let them choose to buy that to save from quota, to use more services, or bridge the gap to the data plan renewal date.

Or want to sell to your users on roaming - there’s use case for that! All of the use cases add to ARPU, and complement the existing solutions your subscriber have

Bold Branding

Flanker Brand
Premium Brand
New Subscription Type

Want to make your mark with a bold brand?

Why not create a strong flanker brand for a targeted segment, with focused brand appeal - and protect mother brand? Attack competition from all angles! Or are you in need of a new subscription type, within current strong brand architecture? Or need to create a premium product for VIP segment? Launch a new brand in three months?

Just select the right action or actions to maximise power of your brand and brands.
Our final use cases are to support MVNO - and MVNOs - where from one platform and one integration to your network, it is possible to spawn multiple MVNOs with dedicated set of products and campaigns. Lower cost with higher flexibility than any other solution in the market.

Simple Time chunks

Simple Time Chunks

Time is the secret ingredient for awesome consumer experiences - together with attention to detail in user experience. All with strong branding to the telcos - to engage with end-users.

Simple time chunks is the magic for 20 use cases to pick to match your market and consumer. And the magic for mobile data monetisation.

Our Portfolio

Right Use Cases Deliver Amazing Results

Grow revenue
Case 1
A challenger telco in low ARPU, emerging market, targeted prepaid users
Actively offered constantly evolving discounts, offers, and promotions
Increased 6x ARPU within 9 months from launch
Case 2
A challenger telco in a developed market targeted existing GB volume plan users
Actively promoted rewards, free time, and upsell - boosted with strong seasonal campaigns
60% ARPU increase on top of existing GB revenues
Minimise Churn
Case 3
A West European telco used solution for prepaid user segment
In the past had only daily, weekly and monthly data packages
With us, started to promote small chunks: starting from as short as 5 minutes
Users became very engaged: on average users bought 2.5 chunks every single day!
Case 4
An advanced market operator launched solution to complement existing self care app
Reached staggering 62% Customer Perceived Value: >2 times to competitors’ and their own self care app
Simultaneously reached 4.5 rating in Google Play and App Store
Time to revenue
Case 5
An operator in emerging market launched solution with heavy marketing
Overtook in two weeks users of a one year old self-care app, with heavy promotion the past year
Acquired >100k users in the first month, topping the Google Play charts
Case 6
One telco with multivendor integration, took solution to use as simple cloud overlay
Efficient execution, and solid co-operation
Implementation from contract to launch to exactly 40 days

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